Terms and Conditions

Please know the main conditions implicitly accepted when browsing our website:

● All information on this website is the property of Planning4Life. Information taken from other sources is mentioned. If you find it useful, you may reproduce and share the information on this website. However, we appreciate you mentioning the source.

● It is expressly prohibited to use this website and any of its content for illegal purposes, or any other unlawful purposes that do not meet the purposes for which the website is online, or that in any way prejudice Planning4Life, its brands and its entities. associated.

● In order to facilitate accessibility, there are links to other websites. Whenever these are not the responsibility of Planning4Life, we cannot be responsible for their constant updating.

● Any attempt to create or enter any type of virus, malicious code or the creation, alteration or deletion of any of its content on this website is prohibited.

● Despite taking the security of this website very seriously, nothing is 100% secure; Planning4Life cannot guarantee that it is completely free of viruses or malicious code containing harmful properties.

● Neither Planning4Life nor any other entity involved in the development and maintenance of this website can be held responsible for any damages that may arise as a result of using this website.

● This website is essentially informative. Despite efforts to keep content up-to-date and quality, content may contain inaccuracies, typos or may be out of date.

Any inaccuracies you find, we appreciate your cooperation by sending us a message to geral@planning4life.pt.
